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James J. Eldred House, Eldred, Illinois Sept. 2024

Investigators:  Vicki and Jim

Weather:  Absolutely Beautiful

Time: 6:00 pm-Midnight

Previous Investigation:
Eldred House 2011


It has been many years since CAPS had its first investigation, The Eldred House. Although Top Cat/David and I talked about a return visit, sadly he passed away before we were able to make that happen. I decided it was important to follow through with that commitment, so I booked an investigation on what would have been his birthday weekend to honor his memory. Besides, I had told Alma, the 4-year-old girl that haunts the building, that if she were to make herself known to me that we would make a return visit.

We met with our host for the night, Chad. Such a welcoming person! Although I had been there before, this was the first for Jim. As Chad was giving us a tour. Jim’s cell phone kept turning on, and then bizarrely dial out to 911. I was hoping this wasn’t some kind of bad omen…

As we were setting up our equipment, I related an incident during my prior visit. While I was in the kitchen area, the battery on my video camera immediately drained. Not just one, but all three batteries that I had fully charged before my arrival. Jim may have been a bit skeptical of the story until he got out the thermal camera in the upper nursery room. To his dismay, (but no surprise to me) the battery completely drained in front of his eyes!

Throughout the night Jim and I heard several types of noises that sounded like knocking, walking and wood boards moving, just like what CAPS experienced last time.

 While I was sitting alone in one of the upstairs front bedrooms, I saw a round “orb “of light on the wall about the size of a softball. It lasted several seconds in the same spot then disappeared. I could not figure out the source.

Jim was running the K2 meter most of the night hoping for it to light up. It only happened briefly once, when we had the Ovilus running.  Out of the blue the Ovilus started blurting out a string of words such as: Adam, below, crystal, Indian, apocalypse, chest, casket and my personal favorite, creepily said “poltergeist”!

While Jim and I were in the attic I said something that made him laugh and at that same time I heard a child’s voice. We had several video camaras running throughout the house at the time and none of them picked it up save for the hand-held recorders we were carrying. Fortunately, those both picked it up, leading me to believe that “whoever” was right beside us. Shortly after that voice, we heard some little pitter patter walking sounds. When I was alone later, near that same area, I felt something on my arm. It was one of the strongest touches of something unseen that I had ever felt throughout my years of investigating. I was hoping the attic video camera had captured it, but sadly I was out of view at that time.

Throughout the evening, I could not help but reminisce about the time David and I had spent there. I will treasure Eldred House the most, as being that first official CAPS investigation.  After eagerly going through all of the evidence, let me just say this… Thank you Alma, for acknowledging your presence; we will be back for another visit….as promised!


The back view of Eldred House


Night time shots are always amazing!

00:00 / 00:08

Captured in the dining room, at about 3 seconds, a whispery response to my comment.

Child's Voice in AtticCAPS
00:00 / 00:03

At about 1 second, right when Jim starts laughing...Vicki heard it as well.

00:00 / 00:05

Right around 4 seconds, after Vicki says, "Sure", a whispery voice seems to say, "Thirsty".

Noise and Child in parlorCAPS
00:00 / 00:18

Again, from the static video camera running in the parlor, there were some strange noises, followed by a child's voice at about 9 seconds.

Hug...Feel Me?CAPS
00:00 / 00:16

While using the rods in the dining room, after asking for a hug we caught a child's voice.  We slowed down that response on the second playback.

Pitter patter in AtticCAPS
00:00 / 00:23

After the voice, both Vicki and Jim heard this noise.

Child Voice from Static Camera in ParlorCAPS
00:00 / 00:06

At about 3 seconds, a child's voice, from the static video camera in the parlor.  We were upstairs at this time...

Ovilus Creepy PoltergeistCAPS
00:00 / 00:06

When the Ovilus started speaking, it really said this word in a creepy way...Poltergeist

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