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Baer House, Vicksburg, Mississippi April 2023 

Investigators: Vicki and Jim


After spending a few fun filled days in New Orleans (with David and Jodi), Jim and I headed north for Vicksburg, Mississippi, known as being the location of one of the bloodiest civil war battles. Naturally with so much historical significance, accounts of ghostly encounters are plentiful. 
After doing lots of research on haunted places to stay, I chose The Baer House Inn B&B. This large brick dwelling was built circa 1850 and is conveniently within walking distance of the courthouse museum and downtown Vicksburg.  Although the home was damaged during the civil war, it was lovingly renovated by a woman named Leona Blume. She later married a merchant by the name of Lazarus Baer and they had three daughters and one son. The children were confined to the second floor of the home, as the first floor was strictly for entertaining guests. Like all of Vicksburg, Baer House has many reports of activity, mainly ghostly children on the second floor.
The inside of the residence was just as stunning as the outside! We made it there just before a big storm was blowing through. The first night we didn’t really experience anything paranormal in nature although with all the rain and thunder it was a little hard to sleep. In the morning we went downstairs for breakfast which was amazingly delicious! We met two other couples, from Belgium and Germany, but they were only staying that one night. 
Jim and I left to explore the museums and downtown shops that morning and ended up having dinner at the Rooftop Bar & Grill. It offered wonderful food and a bird’s eye view of the town and the Mississippi River, made even more exciting watching the lightning in the distance. 
That evening, back at the B&B, we seemed to have the house to ourselves for a bit, so were able to meander around before scurrying back to our room for the night. As I was trying to fall asleep that night, I kept hearing distant noises that sounded like doors banging closed. I had no idea who else was staying there but assumed several based on all the commotion. At one point, I was pretty sure I heard a child’s voice which was also captured on the video recording at the time, confirming it was not my imagination. Later that night I heard a big rumbling noise coming out from our bathroom. Needless to say, it was an active night! 
When we went down for breakfast in the morning, we discovered only one other guest there that evening. It seemed unlikely she was responsible for making all that noise I heard. After another amazing breakfast we packed up our gear and headed home.
I highly recommend this location to any civil war buffs, especially the Vicksburg National Military Park located on the outskirts of town. 


First Floor Hallway of Baer House


Fist Floor Hallway Baer House


Vicksburg Court House Museum


The Game Room, Baer House


The Scarlet Room,, Second Floor Baer House (our room)


On of the many Monuments, Vicksburg National Military Park

Red RidersCAPS
00:00 / 00:04

At around 2 seconds, a male voice says something like "Red Riders".

Can't SleepCAPS
00:00 / 00:03

A male voice that seems to say something like "can't sleep".

00:00 / 00:06

As Vicki comes out of the bathroom in the middle of the night, a child says "push". Hopefully they are talking about the door and not Vicki!

Fruit Cake?CAPS
00:00 / 00:11

A male voice seems to be talking about "fruitcake"?

Very Loud Second NightCAPS
00:00 / 00:06

This is the loud noise Vicki heard coming from the bathroom, shortly after hearing a child talking. Pretty amazing with headphones!

More Candy?CAPS
00:00 / 00:05

This is the child Vicki heard in the middle of the night. They may be saying "More candy"? Vicki was relieved that it was captured on video and not her imagination! 

Child First NightCAPS
00:00 / 00:03

Another child voice captured.....

Mike, Second NightCAPS
00:00 / 00:05

A male voice saying something about "Mike"?

Get BackCAPS
00:00 / 00:11

A male voice says "get back" or "they're back"?

Child Second NightCAPS
00:00 / 00:04

Once again, a child speaking.....

Child First NightCAPS
00:00 / 00:05

We captured a child's voice several times during our stay.

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